Digital Daily Disaster Reporting Tool

Digital Verification System

Demand Based Report Generation

Data Analytics and Visualization

Database Maintenance for Future Reference


ASDMA Disaster Reporting Prior to 2021

ASDMA Disaster Reporting from 2021


Towards realising Digital India Mission in Disaster Management, Disaster Reporting and Information Management System (DRIMS) has been developed by Assam State Disaster Management Authority in collaboration with UNICEF Assam to digitalise and further improve the current disaster reporting mechanism. DRIMS replaces the manual daily disaster reporting mechanism with a web cum mobile application-based technology driven system. The complete digital system of information flow is designed to enable information feeding at the source, immediate alert-based verification at defined levels and automatic compilation. It provides stakeholders with better access for faster decision making and planning while simultaneously responding to disaster in the state


Ease of Reporting:

Enhance ease of reporting by providing user friendly web and mobile application-based reporting at source and complete online verification and approval process

Increasing Efficiency:

Increase efficiency of reporting by reducing time required for manual calculation and compilation of data, and contribute towards reducing data error resulting from manual processes

Decision Support:

Provide dynamic data visualisation through dashboard on various component of reporting with trends and demand-based report generation options for taking timely decisions

Database & Evidence for Reference:

Tremendously improve phase wise compilation for damage reporting by enabling data comparison and verification on demand. This will also improve database management for future reference and evidence generation.

Addressing SADD Data Needs:

The system is also designed to address Sex, Age and Disability Desegregated (SADD) data needs to enable monitoring and addressing specific needs of the vulnerable groups.

Historical Database Creation & Management

The system is designed in such a manner that it responsible for the creation and management of data. It also allows the user to create, update and view data with a moment’s of notice. 


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